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Congregation Shomrei Torah

Adult B'Mitzvah Cohort

There is no cohort currently in session. Please contact the office with inquiries. 


Our most recent adult B'mitzvah class celebrated their service on November 13, 2021.

If you are a Jewish adult who has never had a Bar or Bat Mitzvah, now is your opportunity.  This 14-month course will delve into Jewish theology, liturgy (prayer), and Jewish cannon (Torah, Midrash,Talmud, etc.). Classes will be taught by Rabbi George, and a number of guest teachers. 

Class time will also be devoted to the mastery of parts of the Shabbat morning service.  The course culminates at the Shabbat morning service during which students will share in leading the service. 

Included in the class is 5 hours of private tutoring in preparation for reading Torah on the day of the B’Mitzvah. There are no prerequisites for the course.  If you cannot read Hebrew, there will be an additional Introduction to Hebrew class.

Students are expected to regularly attend program classes, complete occasional homework assignments, attend Shabbat morning services at least once a month, and have regular access to a computer. 

Topics of Study

  • Meaning of Mitzvah
  • Structure & meaning of the Shabbat Morning Service
  • Introduction to the Jewish Cannon
  • Jewish approaches to the Divine
  • What happens when I die?
  • Jewish response to death and mourning
  • Parshah Tutoring: Chanting of 1-3 specific lines of Torah (5 hours of private study with tutor)
  • Introduction to Kabbalah
  • Jewish movements
  • How to approach writing a D’var Torah (sermon)
  • Basic Torah Trope
  • Torah Study of specific parshah verses
  • Israel
Fri, February 14 2025 16 Sh'vat 5785