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Congregation Shomrei Torah

Musical Selections from Cantorial Soloist Erica Wisner...

Music throughout the year...

MLK Shabbat: This Little Light Of Mine/Oseh Shalom

This Little Light of Mine from Congregation Shomrei Torah on Vimeo.


A Very Merry Matisyahu Hannukah

A Merry Matisyahu Hanukkah from Congregation Shomrei Torah on Vimeo.


Special Election Shabbat: Mi Chamocha & Ufros Aleinu

Special Election Shabbat: MiChamocha and Ufros Aleinu from Congregation Shomrei Torah on Vimeo.


Mi Chamocha Celebrating Pride 


"Songs to Lift the Heart", April 28th

Songs to Lift the Heart from Congregation Shomrei Torah on Vimeo.

High Holy Days 2020/5781

Elohai N'tzor by Danny Maseng. Liturgical pianist, Yvonne Wormer.

Traditional version of Kol Nidre, featuring the beauty of Congregation Shomrei Torah.

Who By Fire/B'rosh Hashanah/Ut'shuvah (Who by Fire by Leonard Cohen).

With Rabbi George Gittleman, the CST Choir, and liturgical pianist, Yvonne Wormer. 

Y'hi'yu L'ratzon by Hollis Schachner. Duet with Olivia Newbold; liturgical pianist, Yvonne Wormer.

Listen to more Holy Days music...

Please click here to view music videos from the Shomrei Torah Choir, Small Ensembles, Youth & Teens.

Fri, February 14 2025 16 Sh'vat 5785