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The STaRS Committee would like to thank our dedicated teachers, madrichim, support staff, students, and families for making every year of STaRS an engaging, welcoming, safe, and fun Jewish learning environment for our students.
Highlights from our 2023-2024 year include holiday festivals for Hanukkah and Passover, two mitzvah days of volunteering at Camp Newman and the JCC Soco Preschool, classes with Rabbi George, the Tallit workshop, and being together as a community. Casual conversation at pickup times, singing together, and hearing the laughter of children on the playground were just a few of the things we appreciated about being at CST for STaRS. We’re so excited for what the next year of STaRS will bring!
Please be aware that no family will be turned away from STaRS due to financial hardship. Please request financial assistance by clicking on the link below, or contact STaRS Director Lara Brown for assistance throughout the school-year. CLICK HERE to Apply for STaRS Scholarship 24-25 School Year
Lastly, we’d like to thank you for entrusting STaRS with your child’s Jewish education and encourage you to invite Jewish friends to enroll their children in STaRS. We are really proud of the positive experience that STaRS provides for Jewish youth and would love to see more children and families benefit from this community. We hope that your family has a restful and fun summer; see you in the fall!
חֲזַ֤ק חֲזַ֤ק וְנִתְחַזַּק֙
May you go from strength to strength,
The STaRS Committee and Lara Brown, Director of Education and Youth Engagement
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