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Congregation Shomrei Torah

My Upcoming Retirement from Rabbi of Congregation Shomrei Torah

07/05/2023 09:22:08 AM


Rabbi George Gittleman

Today, I’m both sad and excited to share the news that in June 2024, I will be retiring as rabbi of Congregation Shomrei Torah.

Over 27 years have passed since Laura, Levi, Sophie, and I arrived in Santa Rosa in July of 1996. We love our life in Santa Rosa and are so grateful for all you have given us these many years. Thank you!

I also love my work and care deeply about every aspect of our community. Even so, the time has come for me to retire, and this is why: I have been struggling with several chronic health conditions which are not life threatening but need my full attention.

While my retirement is coming sooner than I anticipated, I am committed and eager to remain fully involved over the next year. As always, I will be leading Shabbat services, praying with you at High Holidays, engaging with Torah study, gathering with the meditation group, teaching adults and religious school students, celebrating with B-Mitzvah families and wedding couples, and providing pastoral care for those in need. You know where to find me!

I will be on vacation through mid-July, and when I return my first priority will be working with the Board to create a smooth transition. Board President Eli Weinzveg has begun the process by reaching out to the Union of Reform Judaism for counsel and guidance. He will be communicating with the congregation in the next few weeks to provide an update and to discuss next steps, which will include opportunities to joyfully say goodbye.

I imagine this announcement comes as a surprise to many of you, giving rise to a range of feelings and lots of questions. Change is hard especially after so many years, but it helps to remember that rabbis regularly retire or move to other congregations and while these departures leave a hole, they also leave an opening -- for growth and for change.

Shomrei Torah has been at the center of my life for the last 27 years. I am proud of our accomplishments and hopeful about our future. I urge each of you to renew your commitment to our community as together we enter this exciting new chapter.

In Love & Gratitude,

Rabbi George

Wed, May 8 2024 30 Nisan 5784