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Congregation Shomrei Torah

What’s happening with planning for the Rabbinic transition

September 8, 2023

It’s been eight weeks since the Board of Directors, along with the rest of the congregation, learned that Rabbi George plans to retire as of June 2024.  And, like everyone in the CST community, it took a little time for us to absorb and process the news. 

But at the same time, we started to get busy thinking about the future of Congregation Shomrei Torah.  Board President Eli Weinzveg and Past President Sharon Bauman immediately consulted the Central Conference of American Rabbis (CCAR), the professional leadership organization that trains and supports Reform rabbis, as well as providing the sole forum for congregations to post information about their communities and list open positions.  Rabbis seeking a position use the listings to decide where to submit their applications. (Reform rabbis at a URJ congregation can’t be hired through Craigslist, the classifieds, or an independent search!)  Based on the consultation, here are some steps the Board has taken so far:

  • Learned about the selection process:  Members reviewed the “Handbook of Placement Procedures” and several attended a Zoom training session for dozens of congregations across North America that are in the process of seeking new rabbinic leadership. It was reassuring to note how carefully the CCAR staff helps both congregations and rabbis find a good match for both Interim and settled positions. Interim Rabbi applicants must meet the following criteria to qualify as an interim candidate: have completed at least seven years as a congregational rabbi and completed interim-related special training.
  • Established a five-person committee to lead the search for an Interim Rabbi. The team includes Sharon Bauman, Erica Magers, Jillian Navarro, Judith Richlin-Klonsky (facilitator), and Eli Weinzveg.  The group will complete and submit the CST listing -- including both facts and figures about the congregation and our hopes and expectations for this phase of the transition -- before Rosh Hashanah. Once our listing is posted, we anticipate beginning to review Interim candidates later this fall, in order to make a final selection in early 2024, for a July 2024 start date.
  • Began to think longer term, considering:
  • How a robust committee of congregants will be selected to lead the search for a Senior Rabbi, to include individuals of different generations, lengths of membership, types of involvement, family constellation, etc.  This team will be convened sometime around mid-2024.
  • The best vehicle for the CST community as a whole to contribute to the search process.
  • The best ways to honor and thank Rabbi George formally and informally.

This is a long, intense, complex process but we’re on the path and it’s exciting.  Your comments and questions are welcome.  Feel free to share your thoughts by emailing Judith at or Eli at

L’shanah Tovah!  Best wishes for a good and healthy year.

Wed, May 8 2024 30 Nisan 5784